Ann Coulter: Reagan Is Not the Greatest President Because of Amnesty

Tyler McNally | May 27, 2015

In an excerpt from Ann Coulter's upcoming book ¡Adios, America!: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole, she has turned on one her biggest allies in the conservative movement: Tea Partiers.

She wrote that, "As for these idiot Tea Partiers or whichever conservatives are idol-worshipping Ronald Reagan, he was great for his time, but it was a different world. I don’t think he’s going down as the greatest president when he signed an amnesty law.”

Unfortunately for Coulter, her past writings have proved that she herself used to emulate the 40th president.

In an interview with Mediaite in 2013, Coulter said that more conservative candidates and politicians needed to be more like Reagan:

Ted Cruz is a beautiful example of what the candidates need to be like, sort of like Ronald Reagan. They are not necessarily moderate in their positions, but they’re moderate in their demeanor. Push the policy and ditch the shocking lines.

 In a September 2010 op-ed for Human Events, Coulter compared Reagan to conservative giant Barry Goldwater saying:

And unlike gay-marriage-loving Goldwater, Reagan said: “Society has always regarded marital love as a sacred expression of the bond between a man and a woman. It is the means by which families are created and society itself is extended into the future. … We will resist the efforts of some to obtain government endorsement of homosexuality.”

Meanwhile, she was announced as the headline speaker for the former organization, GOProud, one month earlier in August. GOProud was a pro-gay rights organization aimed at Republicans and conservatives.

Finally, Coulter told Newsmax in January 2009 that “[Sarah Palin] needs the wisdom and the experience, and I think she could be another Ronald Reagan.”

All of these things aren't to say that Coulter was wrong previously in her statements, but this is just another scenario where she won't own up to comments that have been said previously, while simultaneously changing a position or view.

She is entitled to her opinion and express that, but as a public figure, it should be in the best interest of everyone if she was honest with her positions and the changing of those views.

H/T TheRightScoop