The 5 Dumbest Tweets of the Week

danjoseph | May 22, 2015

Liberals were Tweeting their little hearts out this week and it was hilariously stupid.  It all started when President Obama got his own Twitter account.  Because, clearly the three he already had weren't enough for an ego of his caliber.




Yes. Obviously, the platform he had as leader of the free world wasn't enough for Obama to get his message out to the people.  No wonder Americans still hate Obamacare.  Obama simply didn't have enough Twitter accounts to explain it effectively.  

He's right, though.  Six years is a long time.  It took almost as long for the president to get his own Twitter account as it did for the economy to recover.  



Oh good!  This guy again!  Who could he possibly be asking for?  I wasn't aware that Bill was buddies with Marco Rubio.  But, he's asking for a "friend" so it's clearly not someone who he humiliated repeatedly while he was in office.  

I also like how he gave @Twitter a shout out.  As if some people who saw this Tweet were unclear as to which social network they were on.  

How many people saw this Tweet and said to themselves 'Oh!  Twitter has a Twitter account? I should follow Twitter to keep me posted on all the goings on on Twitter, which is the website that I'm currently on.'






Ohhhhhhh! Now I get it! "#Asking For a Friend"  Very clever Bill.  This may have just been a nightmare I had, but didn't Hillary already announce that she was running for president in a video?  

Apparently not everyone got the memo that Hillary was running for president. (I mean, it's not like she's been actively campaigning for the last 7 years or anything.)  So she's going to announce AGAIN.  And, this time, she means it!

It's almost as if she's pushing the "reset" button on her campaign.  And we all remember how well things went the last time Hillary pushed a reset button.

Sally Kohn after the jump. 


Ugh! Here we go again.  The entire "War on Women" card will undoubtedly be played relentlessly in the lead up to the 2016 campaign.  As this Tweet proves, labeling the GOP as anti-woman  is more than a simple effort to scare women into thinking that the GOP is going to outlaw abortion and take away women's birth control pills. The Democrats want women to think that, if the GOP gets back into the White House, American women will be relegated to the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant or lose their jobs as CEOs and be sent back to the steno pool.  

This is a particularly dishonest line of attack.  But sadly, it works.  Especially with young, single women. 

But no, ladies.  The GOP has no interest in going back to the days of Mad Men.  Although, the idea of drinking whisky at work, does have a certain appeal. 




Gwen Moore is a congresswoman from Wisconsin who is best known for her terrible poetry.  But, she really nailed it in this Tweet.

The GOP totally hates economic growth and jobs!  They are like our two least favorite things (with the exception of women not being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.)  

Not only do they despise economic growth--which is why so many conservatives supported President Obama-- but they like to "brag" about it too.  It's an electoral strategy and, one of these days, it may just work.  

Stupid jobs!  Wish someone would send my job to a sweatshop in Thailand.  Those kids could make fun of liberals on Twitter far better than I could and at half the cost.  

But, Gwen has the solution and her economic ideas are summed up very nicely in one of her latest poems.  

This woman actually helps run the federal government.




Sally Kohn should really be forced to wear a helmet when she Tweets.  She does love her straw men, though.  (Ahem...straw women?)

Anyway, Kohn's Jihad against the word "thug," which she rails against for being a racist term, keeps going strong.  But, let's just clear this up for Sally so we can end this dumb conversation once and for all.

Webster's dictionary defines "Thug" as "a brutal ruffian or assassin."  

Since no one has used the word "ruffian" since 1952, thug is a terrific word that is fun to say and can be used in a variety of ways.  Biker gangs?  Yes, absolutely thugs.  Michael Brown?  Total thug.  Anyone looting a CVS before burning it to the ground.  Thug.  Conservatives have been using the word thug to describe surly union members for 50 years.  So come off it, Sally.  When you see a thug walking down the street, you're going to avoid that individual just like anyone else, regardless of their skin color.