2020 Democratic Candidates Attend Steak Fry After Telling People to Stop Eating Meat

Ferlon Webster Jr. | September 23, 2019

Democratic presidential candidates made themselves raised questions this weekend after most of them attended -- and participated in -- the Iowa Polk County Democratic Party’s annual steak fry on Saturday...

...after they'd all made cases for how bad meat is for the climate.

Over 11,000 people attended the event where 10,500 “climate destroying” steaks were grilled, along with 1,000 vegan burgers, according to CBS.

You’d think those numbers would be reversed, considering these candidates supposed positions.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The Iowa GOP said in a statement that the “2020 candidates have turned themselves into a laughing stock with their outrageous ‘misteaks’ and out-of-touch proposals.” 

Democratic candidate and entrepreneur Andrew Yang recently said he believed in increasing the price of meat so people would be discouraged from consuming so much of it. Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) support a meat tax while Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Ca.) said she supports changing dietary guidelines to cause people to think differently about eating it.

“The Steak Fry will be a great opportunity for caucus-goers to grill 2020 Democrats on their extreme policies that would limit Iowans’ freedoms and liberties,” said Jeff Kaufmann, chairman of the Iowa Republican Party, according to The Hill. “As they continue butchering their positions, it’s clear the Democratic agenda would steer us in the wrong direction.”