11 of the Creepiest Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Floats

mrctvstaff | November 25, 2015

First launched in 1924, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade boasts some of the most vibrant, creative displays and floats that flow in an endless stream of color down the streets of New York City each year. But with nearly a hundred years of inflated fun under its belt, the event was bound to pile up a few…well, weird additions.

Here are a few of the strangest, and possibly creepiest, Macy’s Day Parade floats in history:


This 1937 Pinocchio float looks like he’s scaring just about everyone in sight – including himself.


Little Bill.

This particular gem is supposed to be Little Bill from the hit Nickelodeon children’s show in the early 2000s. But there’s something just downright unsettling about a giant hovering baby.

This fairly terrifying clown.

We’re just gonna go with “nope” on this one.

An acrobat. Kind of.

This 1938 inflated monstrosity was somehow supposed to be an acrobat, but we're not so sure.

Eddie Cantor. Also kind of.

Poor Eddie Cantor, who actually looked like this in real life, was the subject of a pretty hideous float in 1940.

Harold the Clown.

We get it was 1945 and technology was limited. But why always with the clowns!?

The Katzenjammer Kids.

This collection of floats from the 1920s represents the Katzenjammer Kids, based on a then-popular comic strip. Sadly, the least scary thing about this display is that the father’s float is a disembodied head.

This dragon.

From what we understand, it's supposed to be a dragon. Or the 1937 version of one, anyway.

This...we're not sure.

This group float is based on the 1924 film “The Thief of Baghdad,” which shares the same literary roots as Disney’s Aladdin. And absolutely nothing about it is okay.

The aerial version of Tim Burton's imagination.

This 2010 float was designed by Tim Burton, which explains just about everything.

Ronald McDonald.

Ah, Ronald McDonald, scaring the “happy” right out of happy meals everywhere. At least they didn't make a float out of the character's original version.