Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | March 26, 2015
On With All Due Respect, when Dem strategist Steve McMahon claims that Dems are happy with "the" choice of Hillary we have, Mark Halperin retorts "like the way Cuban voters are happy with their choices.
MarkF | March 24, 2015
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski is very upset about Benjamin Netanyahu.   She challenges her guests: "I just want to know what you're all afraid of. I do. I don't understand."
MarkF | March 23, 2015
Morning Joe's review of the Middle East today paints a picture of the utter failure of US foreign policy, leaving a devastated, deadly region in its woeful wake.
MarkF | March 21, 2015
Call it the Marxist theory of surplus value in high-tops . . .  On Melissa Harris-Perry's MSNBC show, David Zirin, sports guy at the far-left Nation mag, calls the NCAA tournament nothing less than "the organized theft of black wealth."
MarkF | March 18, 2015
Things get chippy on Morning Joe after Amy Holmes of The Blaze points out that President Obama has personalized and publicized his conflict with Benjamin Netanyahu in a way he hasn't done even with despots like Kim Jong Un or the Castro brothers. When Holmes adds that "only Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be the focal point of this president's ire," former Obama spokesman Gibbs calls Holmes'…
MarkF | March 17, 2015
On With All Due Respect, John Heilemann laments that it was "horrible" to hear that an adiviser to Israelie Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his victory would be "a defeat for Barack Obama."  
MarkF | March 17, 2015
On Morning Joe, a variety of panelists express doubts about Hillary's candidacy, including Joe Scarborough who says that he's hearing "more and more people on the inside [saying] they're not so sure Hillary is going to run."
MarkF | March 16, 2015
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski calls Senator Tom Cotton a "toddler" and "fool" for writing a letter to Iran about the nuclear program negotiations.  Al Hunt describes the Republicans who signed the letter as "crazies," akin to the "crazies" in Iran. 
MarkF | March 13, 2015
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Larry O'Donnell spar over the DOJ report on the Michael Brown shooting.  Scarborough says the report sides with the police side of the story, that Brown didn't have his hands up, while O'Donnell says the report only concludes that "hands-up" couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.  By the end, Scarborough sarcastically says to O'Donnell: "thank you so…
MarkF | March 12, 2015
On Morning Joe, discussing the shootings of two policemen during a protest in Ferguson, MO, Joe Scarborough's opening line to Al Sharpton is "this has got to be terribly frustrating for you." Marc Morial of the National Urban League says the shootings show that the people want "further change" in Ferguson, and Joe and Mika Brzezinski, instead of focusing on the victims, agree with him.