Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | August 26, 2015
If anyone's an expert on fake stories, it's Dan Rather. The disgraced former CBS News anchor has a new twist on the vast right-wing conspiracy.  Instead of plotting against poor innocents like Bill and Hillary, those conspiratorial conservatives are now creating phony feuds among themselves! On Rachel Maddow's show tonight, Rather declared himself "suspicious" about the battle between Donald…
MarkF | August 25, 2015
Has there ever been anything quite like this in the history of American politics? It's one thing for a president to encourage his veep's presidential ambitions. It's entirely another for a president to put his 800-lb. thumb on the political scales by suggesting to his Justice Department that he'd like it to launch an investigation of the veep's main rival.  Today's Morning Joe was agog today at…
MarkF | August 24, 2015
Old enough to remember when the liberal media tried to pin the "wimp" label on George H.W. Bush, the guy who lied about his age to get into WWII and who is still jumping out of planes decades later? John Heilemann of Bloomberg TV has taken things an ugly step further.  On his With All Due Respect show today, Heilemann called Jeb Bush the "low-T" candidate.  A laughing Josh Green, subbing for…
MarkF | August 24, 2015
At first I wasn't sure: it certainly sounded like Luke Russert, off camera, laughed as a reporter said that some Donald Trump supporters told her they hope he hires smart people to carry out his plans. But was I being unfair?  Could he have been coughing? But no, when Russert [guest hosting for Andrea Mitchell] came back on screen, his disdain for those Trump supporters couldn't have been…
MarkF | August 24, 2015
At what point will members of the Obama administration, from the president himself, to John Kerry and other senior officials, down to the workaday folks of the West Wing, decide that Hillary's email scandal is doing intolerable damage to whatever's left of their legacy, and decide to pull the plug? A significant line was crossed on today's Morning Joe, when Joe Scarborough flatly and repeatedly…
MarkF | August 21, 2015
Finally! Something from a New York Times reporter that you can absolutely, positively believe: that no matter the mounting evidence, he will not condemn Hillary Clinton for her email malfeasance. On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough repeatedly tried to get Jeremy Peters to state whether he agreed with the federal judge who yesterday declared that in handling her email,…
MarkF | August 21, 2015
Who got to Donny Deutsch? Seriously. Exactly one week ago, Deutsch was painting a very dark picture for Hillary Clinton, saying that "Americans are just tired of Hillary," they have "fallen out of like with her,"  and that people he knows who would automatically be Hillary backers are saying "wow, there's got to be somebody else here." But there was Deutsch on Morning Joe today, singing a very…
MarkF | August 20, 2015
This NewsBuster was gobsmacked yesterday by the spectacle of senior Hillary aide Jennifer Palmieri suggesting that the FBI would be happy to discover that the infamous email server has been scrubbed clean. We wrote about it here. Today's Morning Joe picked through the smoldering ashes of that interview with the participation of John Heilemann, who conducted it.  Joe Scarborough said that "…
MarkF | August 19, 2015
We are now officially in Hillary-in-Wonderland world . . . A senior Hillary aide has suggested that the FBI would be happy to discover that the infamous email server was wiped clean. Appearing on today's With All Due Respect, Jennifer Palmieri--Communications Director for Hillary's campaign--claimed that finding that the server was wiped is "the outcome they would want."
MarkF | August 19, 2015
If this were anyone but a Clinton, would her campaign not be completely kaput?  Imagine: you're a big Dem donor, elected official in an early primary state or grassroots organizer trying to decide whose bandwagon to jump on.  You turn on Morning Joe today, and there's Ron Fournier, an MSM member-in-good-standing and someone who's said he's voted for Clintons more than anyone in DC, saying about…