Cory Parks
Senior Video Editor
Corwin Parks | December 23, 2014
MRCTV went to UVA to talk to students about the Rolling Stones article pertaining to sexual assault charges on campus.
Corwin Parks | December 16, 2014
Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Fact or Fiction?
Corwin Parks | December 12, 2014
Ferguson Business Owners Talk About Fundraising and Rebuilding
Corwin Parks | December 10, 2014
REBUILDING FERGUSON: "The Jury is Still Out There For Us"
Corwin Parks | December 10, 2014
Ferguson Business Owners: The State Government Was Not There For Us.
Corwin Parks | December 9, 2014
Ferguson Business Owners Talk Looting
Corwin Parks | December 3, 2014
Ferguson Protesters and the National Clergy gather in front of the St. Louis County Department-Justice Services to protest the non-indictments of Officer Darren Wilson and Officer Daniel Pantaleo fallowing the deaths of Michael Brown (Ferguson, MO) and Eric Garner (Brooklyn, NY).
Corwin Parks | December 3, 2014
Officer Walks and Records McCluer North Students Protesting Ferguson