Sheriff Dupnik Says Recent Blame Game For Shooting Tragedy Is His 'Legal Responsibility'

Joe Schoffstall | January 11, 2011

Sheriff Dupnik appeared on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Oblermann and said he has a 'legal responsibility' to place blame for the shooting tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. It just so happens he's blaming the likes of Sharron Angle and Sarah Palin for being responsible for the massacre. During the interview he also tries to explain how he's not politicizing the situation. Automatically placing blame on 'right-wing rhetoric' seems as if it pretty much fits the bill for politicization of a tragedy.

Maybe, just maybe, after an investigation Sheriff Dupnik will be a whole lot more to blame than those he's diverting the attention away to. Luckily for him, he has the media on his side.