Students Get Naked For Obamacare

Joe Schoffstall | October 7, 2010

Here's a new ridiculous ad put out by Campus Progress Action and Young Invincibles coming out in defense of Obamacare that's sure to be a gamechanger. According to the Young Invincibles website, this is a push to get out the liberal vote in November:

We are pledging to defend health care. We are pledging to vote in November so that young voices are heard and continue to be heard.  We can get covered now.  They can't take that away from us. Take the pledge and Vote Again in 2010.

As you can tell, this ad will single-handely fire up millions of young, detached, jobless voters out there who already lent their votes to Barack Obama and Democrats in 2008 all while leaving an image in your head you'd rather not have. CLARITY UPDATE: Thankfully, there's no actual nudity. So don't worry about that. They cover themselves with signs.