Hateful Leftists: Velshi and Woke Author Declare that 'Antigovernment Skepticism' Among 'White People' is Due to Racism

Duncan Schroeder | February 27, 2021
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On Saturday morning’s Velshi, MSNBC host Ali Velshi collaborated with author and co-chair of leftist group Color of Change Heather McGhee for a hateful segment where the two leftists declared that all who oppose their policy preferences are racist. Velshi declared that “the false belief that progress and prosperity for people of color comes at the expense of white people has helped prop up racist systems for generations” and McGhee insanely claimed that “there's such a fierce antigovernment skepticism and suspicion among the majority of white voters'' because of the “idea that government is on the side of people of color.”

Read the full article on Newsbusters: Hateful Leftists: Velshi and Woke Author Declare that 'Antigovernment Skepticism' Among 'White People' is Due to Racism | Newsbusters