War Of Words: OB/GYN Discusses The Twisted Abortion Language Of The Left

Jessica Kramer | July 19, 2022
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Despite what Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris claim, elective abortions are not "reproductive healthcare."

Dr. John Bruchalski joins MRCTV to discuss the realities of what "reproductive healthcare" and why the left is intent on twisting the meaning of those words.

Bruchalski's medical practice, Tepeyac OB/GYN, operates as the largest fully pro-life OB/GYN in the nation.

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Once an abortionist, Bruchalski now encourages doctors and other medical professionals to follow Christian principles that reflect the dignity of the human person.

Watch the video above for the complete discussion on the left's war on words when it comes to "reproductive health."

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