Worried Chuck Todd Wants to ‘Fix' This ‘Flaw in Constitution’

Scott Whitlock | September 15, 2016
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC host Chuck Todd put on his professor hat on Thursday and lectured viewers about the “flaw” in the Constitution that he wants “fixed.” Discussing possibilities where the presidential candidates could get 269 electoral votes and have the election decided in the House of Representatives, Todd fretted, “But are we sure every state with that majority would vote that same way? Are we sure every elector will vote for his or her candidate? Are we sure the loser won’t go to court?” “No, no, no and no,” he complained. This was despite conceding that such scenarios have “never happened before” and aren’t “likely to happen this year.” Then why the concern? Why not let the voters and Congress sort things out? A worked up Todd declared, “This is a flaw in the Constitution that somehow we should fix.”