Variety Editor Laughably Claims Hollywood 'Likes to Avoid Politics'

Kyle Drennen | January 13, 2015
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

On Monday's Today, while discussing celebrities at Sunday's Golden Globes expressing solidarity with the French following a series of terrorist attacks, Variety magazine senior editor Ramin Setoodeh made an odd assertion: "It was a very political night and Hollywood usually likes to avoid politics, but last night they went all in and they were very political."

"Hollywood usually likes to avoid politics" – since when? Quite the contrary, left-wing stars have routinely used Hollywood award shows to spout off on any number of political issues. In fact, Girls actress Lena Dunham used the red carpet at the Globes to slam "deranged Neocons" who criticize her on the internet.