Telemundo Anchor Calls AR-15 "Offensive Weapon"

MRC Latino | February 25, 2018
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JOSÉ DIAZ-BALART, TELEMUNDO ANCHOR: Do you think that a firearm such as the AR-15, which is an offensive weapon, not a defensive weapon, is a firearm that should be accessible to all?

U.S. REP. CARLOS CURBELO (R-FL): No military-style firearm should be in the hands of civilians. Those firearms are for the armed forces, for law enforcement as needed, but I do not support that those firearms can be sold, and we have to work in order to make this a reality- and not just (on) gun control, but there were many flaws, many failures. Over these past two years, this young man sent countless signs that he was preparing to do something terrible, and the authorities did not react, so that also has to come into the equation.