Schultz Blames Everyone But Prez For Obamacare Disaster

radioeq | November 13, 2013
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ED SCHULTZ (12 November 2013): There could be two million people who have signed up. There could be four million, five milion people that have signed up, and it would be reported as a bad number. There are corporations, I believe, corporately owned media that is well vested in making sure that Obamacare does not succeed. I believe that. I believe that there are reporters and there are television anchors out there that just want to see this fail so they can signature, yeah, I was a part of it, I told you all along it wasn't going to make it. You know, the thing that amazes me about these people is that they're all well paid, they all have good job security, you know, there's only a few of us that have cable shows. So why would you be against something that's going to hurt other Americans? I, I don't understand that.