Scarborough Claims Durham Filing Written By 'A Third Grader'

Alex Christy | February 18, 2022
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough continued his rantings against Special Counsel John Durham and conservative media on Friday when he concluded that Durham's latest filing was written by a third grader and it was deliberately incomprehensible. 

Responding to news that Durham has distanced himself from conservative reaction to his filing, Scarborough was not willing to let him off the hook that easily, “Most right-wing outlets wildly and let me underline wildly misrepresented the facts and Special Counselor Durham had to distance himself from the frenzy saying what the other outlets made of his documents was not his fault. Oh, really, you write pleadings like that, you throw the bait out there and—and-- then you say it's not your fault? Why—why-- don't you get somebody other than a third grader to write your pleadings next time and—and-- keep them clear?”