Robin Roberts Hits Biden From the Left: Didn't Do Enough on Anita Hill

Scott Whitlock | April 30, 2019
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts on Tuesday hit Joe Biden from the left, demanding to know what more the Democrat could have done to defend Anita Hill in her attacks on Clarence Thomas in 1991. Though Roberts asked some tough questions, she also offered softballs, such as wondering if the presidential candidate has a motto: “The President has a motto, make America great again. Do you have one?” Still, the GMA host started by flashing back 28 years: “I began by asking him about Anita Hill who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment when he was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1991. Biden presided over the confirmation hearing and has been criticized for how Anita Hill was treated.”