Pathetic CNN: Choas and Death in Ukraine Is Brought to You By Applebee’s!

Scott Whitlock | February 24, 2022
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[See NewsBusters for more.] As Europe descends into war, chaos and death, CNN and MSNBC thought the appropriate, reserved way to handle the situation would be to blend live coverage with beer and chicken commercials. It went about as badly as you might imagine.  Anchor Bianna Golodryga on Thursday related heartbreaking details: “It should be packed with commuters but subway stations in Ukrainian cities under fire and turned into makeshift bomb shelters. Families having to protect their little children.” Going to commercial break, she added, “Air raid sirens are ringing out this morning.” Then, with half the screen showing the spiraling situation in Kyiv, Ukraine, the other half featured country music, beer, chicken and Applebee’s.