Out of Control: Networks Ooze ‘Emotional’ Hillary Clinton ‘Was on Fire Today’

Curtis Houck | October 5, 2015
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC pulled out all the stops on Monday night to carry water for 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, proclaiming that she’s “on fire” with “new wind in her sails” as she “unveil[ed] a tough new stance on gun control” and coming “out swinging today at the Benghazi Committee.”

The love fest was on full display on NBC Nightly News as anchor Lester Holt gushed prior to Clinton correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell’s puff piece: “On the campaign trail today, Hillary Clinton appeared to have new wind in her sails given an opening after a political gaffe by a top Republican. The former secretary of state is unleashing a multi-pronged strategy to breathe new life into her campaign.”