Obvious ABC: 'Conservative,' 'Tea Party' 'Republican' Congressman Arrested for Cocaine

Scott Whitlock | November 20, 2013
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ABC's Good Morning America  may be many things, but subtle isn't one of them. George Stephanopoulos and Pierre Thomas on Wednesday made sure to point out to viewers that it was a "Tea Party," "conservative" "Republican" congressman who was arrested for buying cocaine. GMA found the story so enticing, the show's hosts led with it, bumping an "exclusive," "frightening" story about al Qaeda operatives secretly living in America. All six network newscasts on Tuesday and morning shows on Wednesday made sure to point out that Trey Radel is a Republican congressman. Many of them identified him with the Tea Party. But GMA mentioned "Tea Party," "conservative" or "Republican" five times in less than two and a half minutes.  Stephanopoulos reminded, " He's a Tea Party favorite from Florida." Thomas informed, "He's a conservative congressman.

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