O’Reilly Cites ‘Very Accurate’ MRC Numbers in Planned Parenthood-Lion Coverage Comparison

Curtis Houck | July 30, 2015
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See more in the NB Staff post on the NewsBusters blog.

For the second time in a week, Fox News Channel (FNC) host Bill O’Reilly turned to statistics from the “very accurate” Media Research Center to form the basis of a segment of The O’Reilly Factor concerning the major broadcast network coverage of the Planned Parenthood scandal with Thursday’s mention comparing it with the droves of coverage given to the shooting death of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe. 

At the top of his weekly segment with FNC contributor Bernard Goldberg, O’Reilly alluded to “a comparison by the Media Research Center” that he described as having “been very accurate” about “the lion story versus the Planned Parenthood story reportage.”
