NBC’s Lauer Imagines Homophobia at Pentagon Toward Gay Army Secretary

Kyle Drennen | June 2, 2016
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

On Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer cheered the “historic accomplishment” of Army Secretary Eric Fanning being the first openly gay military service leader, but fretted over reaction from his Defense Department colleagues: “Have you ever had to confront someone here at the Pentagon because of something they said to your face, something you heard they said behind your back, or a careless comment they may have made?”

Fanning acknowledged, “Careless comment, sure,” but dispelled the notion of discrimination: “Confronted is kind of a strong word, just sort of correct and explain. It's an educational moment. At no time did anybody do anything where there was any menace behind it. I haven't had to confront anyone for what they've said or what they’ve done either to me or behind my back.”