NBC, CBS Hype Birther Attack 'Damaging' Cruz; Denounced Same Attack on Obama

Kyle Drennen | January 7, 2016
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

On Thursday, NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning joined ABC’s Good Morning America in promoting Donald Trump questioning Ted Cruz being a natural born U.S. citizen. On Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: “Donald Trump is escalating his attacks on Republican rival Ted Cruz, reiterating questions about the Texas senator's eligibility to run for president. And now another prominent Republican is suggesting the issue is worth looking into.”

In the report that followed, correspondent Peter Alexander declared: “America’s birther-in-chief Donald Trump again trying to fuel doubts whether Ted Cruz, born in Canada, is eligible to be president of the U.S.” He touted how “Trump is now finding an unlikely ally in a recent target, John McCain,” followed by a soundbite of the Arizona senator giving credence to the accusation.