MSNBC's Velshi Dismisses 'A Quarter of the Country' as 'Angry, Intolerant (and) Hard to Reconcile'

Ryan Foley | November 24, 2018
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During Wednesday's edition of The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, guest host Ali Velshi conducted a lengthy interview with far-left documentary filmmaker Michael Moore. Velshi channeled his inner Hillary Clinton as he wrote off "a third of the country" or "a quarter of the country" as "angry, intolerant (and) hard to reconcile,"  before asking Moore "how much intolerance do we tolerate in order to build bridges of empathy, to talk to people who are legitimately angry?" Moore responded: "You can't build a bridge to a racist or a misogynist...they have to be shunned and treated like we treated smokers twenty years ago." Moore did extend an olive branch to "Republicans who do care about this country, who are not bigots, they're just rightfully angry."