MSNBC Host Uses Tax Day to Slam Investigation Into IRS Abuses

Rich Noyes | April 16, 2014
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On the April 15 edition of his MSNBC show All In, host Chris Hayes used Tax Day as an excuse to promote the IRS as essential to government and slam conservatives for daring to investigate Lois Lerner's targeting of the Tea Party: “Without the IRS, or something like it, we wouldn’t have a government. In fact, it’s the cornerstone upon which the entire edifice of the federal government is built. And that is precisely the reason conservatives have so consistently taken a sledgehammer to it....For almost a year, they’ve gone to war with ex-IRS official Lois Lerner, over allegations the IRS improperly targeted conservative groups....Conservatives recognize that one of the only things standing between us and a genuine plutocracy are thousands of anonymous bureaucrats doing the basic work of enforcing our nation’s laws.”