MSNBC Conservative Slams GOP as 'Party of Charlottesville,' 'Deserves Extinction'

bradwilmouth | September 4, 2017
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On Monday, Jennifer Rubin was at it again as the allegedly right-leaning Washington Post columnist and regular MSNBC guest was trashing fellow conservatives both on MSNBC and on her "Right Turn" blog at In a Monday morning blog post -- titled "Ending DACA Would Be Trump's Most Evil Act" -- Rubin excoriated the Republican party as the "party of white grievance" and as the "party of Charlottesville." She then declared that the GOP "deserves extinction."

As she appeared on MSNBC Live later in the day, she oddly suggested that President Donald Trump urge Congress to attach the extension of DACA to important legislation like Harvey relief or the debt ceiling increase.

For more, see cross post at NewsBusters.