Mother of 10 Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim Defends Rapist

MRC Latino | July 14, 2022
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MARIA VARGAS PION, TELEMUNDO: Did the girl live here as well?

MOTHER: Yes, but she's fine. Everything that they're saying against him is a lie.

VARGAS PION: And the child- are you related to her, or her mother?

MOTHER: She's my daughter.

VARGAS PION: The woman, who refused to provide her name and concealed her face, states that she has not filed charges against 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes, who is charged with rape. 

Per the authorities, he confessed to having vaginal contact on at least two occasions with the girl who recently turned 10, therefore it is estimated that she may have been 9 years old when she was raped and (then) became pregnant.