Michael Moore, Seth Meyers Share Lunatic Conspiracy Theories: Postpone Election?

Scott Whitlock | June 11, 2020
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore and NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers traded conspiracy theories on Wednesday’s show. Moore openly predicted that Donald Trump might not just postpone the 2020 presidential election, it might be “gone” forever. Meyers, who in theory is a comedian, sounded no different than a liberal message board as he prompted the director on dark possibilities: "How are you feeling, not just about the outcome of the election, but the ability to have an election?” Moore speculated, “I think this is a dry run to the fall. I'm going to just say this…. [Trump has] now read the polls. He sees the data. He's probably going to lose. He knows it. And so now he's got to come up with something and the something will be him trying to postpone the election.”