Matt Lauer Whines: Sanders Didn’t Give Hillary ‘Her Moment’

Kyle Drennen | June 8, 2016
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

During a political panel discussion on Wednesday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer bemoaned Bernie Sanders not yet conceding the Democratic race to Hillary Clinton: “...Bernie Sanders didn't give her, her moment last night. He didn't urge his supporters to get behind her.”

Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd noted how Democrats wanted to “give Bernie Sanders a little bit of space, give him a little bit of respect,” but advanced potential political threats: “I think what he's going to learn is that if he carries this on too long, well, then there’ll be some public urgings. And then, you know, maybe you won't get that committee spot you really want in the Senate....they do have one piece leverage over him, he likes being a senator. So the Senate Democrats can force his hand.”