Latino Nets CHEERED $4 Gas, Call Record Bidenflation ‘Great News’!

Kathleen Krumhansl | August 17, 2022
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RAUL GONZALEZ: And we are just hours away from receiving a new economic report and everything seems to indicate that it is loaded with good news!


TACHER: Good news that has to do with inflation, the price of gasoline


ARLEN DEL TORO: This week is full of good news for everyone's pockets.


NIDIA CAVAZOS: We're reporting this good news


ROMI DE FRIAS: Yes, well, very good news for drivers here in the United States


FELICIDAD AVELEYRA: This week we have seen a relief in gasoline prices


LUIS MEGID: Hopeful news


GUILLERMO GONZÁLEZ: One bit of news is that, as you can see here behind me, the national average is already below $4, something that will certainly ease the pockets of millions of Americans.


NACHO LOZANO: And gasoline prices keep coming down. Today we are going to tell you how much longer this news that cheers everyone's pockets could last.


PALMIRA PÉREZ: And well, the price of gasoline continues to fall, which is a relief for consumers tired of inflation.


DEL TORO: Now this is really good news. The average price of gasoline nationwide is $4.01. This is really a relief for the pockets of Americans.


The truth is that it is excellent news and that is that finally the prices of gasoline fall even a little. For the first time in the last five months


The next time you fill up your vehicle's tank you'll pay less than $4 per gallon. How wonderful, folks!


GALO ARELLANO: I am currently at a gas station in Doral (Florida), and you need to take a very close look at the gas prices. Right now, a gallon of regular gas is at $3.63- plus is at $3.97. These are prices that truly delight the soul.