Larry Wilmore: 'Creepy' Cruz Wears a Skin Suit

Geoffrey | April 8, 2016
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Host Larry Wilmore: “It’s fascinating to me that the GOP is coming together around Ted Cruz, a guy so many of them deeply despise....But the hated Cruz actually has the Trump campaign on the ropes.”
News clip: “‘Cruz,’ the campaign said, ‘Is worse than a puppet. He is a Trojan horse being used by the party bosses to steal the nomination.’”
Wilmore: “If Ted Cruz is a Trojan horse, what’s inside him? Besides thousands of writhing cicadas crawling around in his ill-fitting skin suit.”
Wilmore: “So Cruz has momentum. There’s a real chance he could turn this into a contested convention, as long as he keeps from saying anything too creepy.”
Ted Cruz: “Hillary? Get ready. Here we come.”
[Wilmore wipes hands with sanitizer and drinks from bottle]
— The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, April 6, 2016.