John & Jesus 'Sexual' Tension At Last Supper: Revisionist Lib Koooook

radioeq | March 27, 2013
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THOM HARTMANN (26 March 2013) (after noting that John rested his head on Jesus's chest during the Last Supper): Now, I'm not suggesting that John and Jesus were getting it on, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if John was gay and not acting sexual [towards Jesus] but just being affectionate, and Jesus was fine with that.
THOM HARTMANN (26 March 2013): Jesus did not say, 'John, get off my chest. Get your head away from me. I'm not gonna sit here with a guy with his head on my chest through an entire meal. I'm a homophobe, I'm scared, I'm...' No, Jesus didn't say that. Jesus just continued to hang out with John.