It's Racist To Question Obama's Jobs Figures: Libs

radioeq | December 7, 2012
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They LIE, of course:

STEPHANIE MILLER (Dec 07 2012): This is how we live in two realities, I’m driving in, hear Bill Press reporting the facts like what I just said double what was expected great of unemployment numbers 7.7. I turn to the right wing station they’re like how many jobs do we have, not many it’s not much.

JIM WARD: 146,000!
STEPHANIE MILLER: How were you reporting it when George Bush was losing 800,000 a month?
CHRIS LAVOIE: We’re not losing much. It’s spectacular.

JIM WARD: It’s all the same. They’re all the same.

STEPHANIE MILLER: In their universe that not that good.

JIM WARD: Not good enough.

STEPHANIE MILLER: Not good enough ever cause the black guys still in the White House.

JIM WARD: Would it be wrong for me to hope that Seal Team Six keeps an eye on Ted Nugent?

STEPHANIE MILLER (mocking Ann Romney): All right stop it.

JIM WARD: Stop it.

STEPHANIE MILLER: stop it this is hard.  All right anyway. (Stop it sound bite of Ann Romney)