It Was Wrong To Spy On Fox News: Leftist Cornel West

radioeq | May 28, 2013
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DR CORNEL WEST (26 May 2013): There’s no doubt that this government has committed war crimes and now we are getting the rationalizations of them. We find out there’s four Americans assassinated we only thought it was three. Just a year or so ago the same government had said that no civilian had been killed at all. That’s what Brennan told us. We find out we were lying we said he was lying on this show and we were called liars for telling the truth. Now the government tells the truth. So it’s fairly clear that the government trying to shield itself from any kind of crimes that claims  that it had committed put it this way in the future people will look back and say you committed crimes you ought to be accountable. They’re saying no here’s the rationalization it was justified it was right it was just. The arguments are weak, that’s going to be the major story. But of course the violation of Brother James Rosen’s rights even with Fox News, he’s just doing his job. To violate his rights to tap his phones and to get into his private information is just wrong. So, more and more I think we’re starting to see this autocratic character.