Incredibly, Brian Williams Treats Obama as a Victim of Bad Intelligence on Benghazi

Brent Baker | October 25, 2012
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Even after all the e-mails and information has come out over the past few weeks proving dissembling by President Obama himself and other administration officials on what they knew about the Benghazi attack and how their public pronouncements did not match reality, NBC’s Brian Williams, on Thursday’s Rock Center, treated President Obama as a victim of bad intelligence who is struggling to find the truth.

Incredible. The perfect definition of “in the tank.”

Williams spent a couple of days with Obama for campaign travelogue pieces which consumed the first 25 minutes of the prime time hour. In Colorado with Obama on Wednesday afternoon, Williams posed this obsequious question: “Have you been happy with the intelligence, especially in our post 9-11 world? The assessment of your intelligence community, as we stand here, is that it still was a spontaneous terrorist attack and were you happy with what you were able to learn as this unfolded? It went on for several hours.”

Quite a questionable assertion: “The assessment of your intelligence community, as we stand here, is that it still was a spontaneous terrorist attack.”

Williams betrayed his lack of interest in the unfolding scandal when he fretted at the top of the show: “The Libya story won’t go away.”

Williams failed to follow up on Obama’s answer on Benghazi, moving on the other topics, including whether he’s “verging on wistful” about the presidency and highlighting Obama’s Tonight Show retort to Donald Trump.

More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.