Hollywood Couple Compare Border Detentions to Auschwitz, Call Trump Backers ‘Racists,’ Trump ‘Evil’

Brent Baker | June 25, 2018
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Rob Reiner and and wife, Michele, on the Sunday, June 24 AM Joy on MSNBC, broadcast from Tornillo, Texas:

Rob Reiner: “Let's cut to the chase -- this is about racism. This is pure and simple racism -- that's all this is. He’s hoping that the people who support him will be ginned up and running to the polls to make sure that brown people don’t come into America. That’s exactly what’s going on here.”...

Michele Reiner: “And I have to tell you, my mother was in Auschwitz. She got separated from her entire family -- lost her entire family. I never thought I would live to see something like that, particularly in this country, ever again in my lifetime. It’s hideous. And by the way, as a fellow Jew, I’d like to hear Ivanka speak up. Where is Ivanka?..

“They follow the exact pattern Hitler has, I hate to say it with ghe propaganda, even down to the Red Cross went into Auschwitz, they cleaned it up for two day, it looked fine, they went back they said everything seems fine there.”

Rob: “It’s a fascist playbook....It’s shocking there are 40 percent as you say, or 46 percent, those people who are supporting what he’s doing here are racists, period.”....

Michele: “To quote that new book that just came out, he is evil. He is evil. And the thing is, I thought, ‘He’ll come in and he won’t really know because he's not that smart smart, and he’ll just do a showmanship thing,’ but he’s evil.”

>> This video clipped to illustrate Paul Bedard's June 25 Liberal Media Scream for the Washington Examiner <<