Hell's Kitchen: A Belief in Universalism (Liberal Faith) Causes More Crime ~ 35-Minutes

papagiorgio200 | July 10, 2013
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In this "Ultimate Issues Hour," Dennis Prager discusses "Ultimate Justice" (God's Justice and otherwise) and justice's involvement/affect in/on behavior. A new study reveals that belief in hell [and heaven] predicted a lower crime rate; belief in heaven predicted more crimes. Dennis tackles this hard to explain -- or is it -- issue.

This is uploaded because of an article by a detective and Christian apologist that likewise deals head-on with these questions as well (http://tinyurl.com/l93euel). Detective Wallace says, "Criminals who justify their actions with religious doctrines are typically woefully ignorant of (or purposefully distorting) these doctrines," I concur. Having been in jail for almost a full year-and-a-half with three felonies, I know first hand the psychological crutch religion can play, rather than the Refiner's Fire Christianity is meant to be (Zechariah 13:9, 1 Peter 1:7, Job 23:10, Isaiah 48:10).


See Detective Warner's ministry:


I will add that "Liberalism," wherever it is applied (politics, economics, faith, ethics, and the like), harms immeasurably the actions of those involved in it. Theology is no less hurt by this progressive matrix.

Just the latest example of this are those that are opposed to pro-lifers support of a bill that will stop late-term abortions. They can be heard chanting "hail Satan" in response to others singing "Amazing Grace." As well as "fu*k the church!" The Democrats that once supported and made up John F. Kennedy's base would not recognize the liberal Democratic party of today. Which is why Dennis says (as well as Reagan) that the Democratic Party left them, not the other way around.

(Posted by: http://religiopoliticaltalk.com/)