Halperin Frets Trump ‘Governing as a Republican’; ‘In the Barricades’ With GOP

Kyle Drennen | February 2, 2017
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

Appearing on Thursday’s NBC Today, political analyst Mark Halperin worried that Republican President Donald Trump was behaving like...well, a Republican. Talking about the coming fight in the Senate to confirm Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Halperin lamented: “...right now Donald Trump is governing as a Republican president, not as an independent. And if he does a scorecard of his first few weeks in office and says, ‘Am I living up to my goal, my promise to unite the country?’ Right now he’s not.”

The veteran journalist continued: “He is in the barricades with Mitch McConnell and other Republicans on these confirmation fights. He's got a whole agenda, separate from getting people confirmed, that involves trying to appeal to Democrats. That’s going to be tougher to do the longer these confirmation fights dominate the discussion.”