Geraldo To O'Reilly: Isn't Rush Jealous Of Your Success?

radioeq | April 9, 2013
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GERALDO RIVERA (05 April 2013): [You say] it's about power. Do you mean that Rush Limbaugh thinks you are becoming too powerful?

BILL O'REILLY: I don't know whether it's me personally, but he -- look, I don't know what goes on in his mind, but I'll tell you, generally speaking, not specifically about Limbaugh. The left wants to marginalize me because I beat them almost daily in the debate. Not beat them -- I crush them. I crush MSNBC, I just destroy them, so they wanna marginalize me. The right basically plays to a crew [sic], they play to a crew, and if they can gain currency there and marginalize what they may see as a competitor in the same arena, they're gonna do that.

GERALDO RIVERA (29:22) (to O'Reilly): I believe that there is intramural jealousy. There is envy. Rush Limbaugh hasn't had a couple books on the bestseller list, stuck there for [a] couple of years, and all the rest of the things you got goin' on.