Gentle MSNBC Goes Easy on Talib When Asking About Omar’s 9/11 Comments

Scott Whitlock | April 11, 2019
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC host Hallie Jackson on Thursday went easy on Rashida Talib while asking about fellow Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's cringe-inducing comments about 9/11. The journalist allowed Talib to call for civility, despite her profanity-laced tirade in public. Jackson also skipped the Democrat’s meeting with an Israel-hating defender of Hezbollah. Regarding Omar dismissing the September 11, 2001 terror attacks as “some people did something,” the host only gently worried, “Do you think she should have rethought her words? Do you worry about the appropriateness of that?” After Talib blasted the criticism of Omar as racism, Jackson comforted, “It obviously something you feel very passionate about.”