Former CBS Journo Claims U.S. to Lock Up Women for Miscarriages Like El Salvador

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 8, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

Former “journalist” Kate Smith did such a good job pushing the pro-choice narrative while on her abortion beat at CBS News that last month Planned Parenthood hired her to be their director of “news content” (aka propagandist). And on Mother’s Day Sunday, she appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources to erroneously claim that the United States was going to become exactly like El Salvador and put women in prison for having miscarriages. She also lashed out at conservatives for criticizing the promotion in her career track.

After some easy questions about why she left CBS (she claimed her editor was no longer interested in her beat) and what she does now for the nation’s largest baby-killing operation, Stelter brought up the criticism from conservatives by citing a National Review article (from over 2 years ago) calling her “Planned Parenthood’s Ambassador to CBS News.”

Smith dismissed the national magazine as just an online blog and suggested long-time journalist reporter Alexandra DeSanctis Marr simply doesn’t “realize all of the different layers that someone goes through before they publish a piece before they go on-air.”

“We have standards, we have lawyers,” Smith declared. “Before anything goes on-air, there's a thorough review of what's going on. So, I stand by every article I write.” She doubled down and suggested those criticizing her were just ignorant. “Again, I think these people just don’t understand how newsrooms actually work, they don't have that kind of experience.”
