ESPN’s Bryant: ‘Authoritarian Shift at the Ballpark’ When Cops Sing National Anthem

Brent Baker | May 30, 2016
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The crew of Fox & Friends, on Sunday, May 29, were appalled by a column by Howard Bryant, in the June 6 issue of ESPN Magazine, in which he railed against sports teams honoring police officers.

“Policing is clearly one of the most divisive issues in the country – except in the sports arena, where the post-9/11 hero narrative has been so deeply embedded within its game-day fabric that policing is seen as clean, heroic, uncomplicated. Following the marketing strategy of the military, police advocacy organizations have partnered with teams from all four major leagues to host ‘Law Enforcement Appreciation’ nights, or similar events....

“Nobody seems to care much about this authoritarian shift at the ballpark...”

>> This video clipped to illustrate Paul Bedard’s May 31 Mainstream Media Scream for the Washington Examiner <<