Dem Rep Compares Gay Marriage Push To Slavery Battle

radioeq | March 25, 2013
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REP MARK TAKANO (D-CA) (25 March 2013): I’m drawing inspiration from Lincoln. You know there’s a debate that the famous Lincoln Douglas debates you know they had and it was over the institution of slavery and they argues about you know  Lincoln was saying that founders believed in freedom and equality um they never really mentioned slavery by name in the constitution. Douglas was saying, well we should allow the new territories that are coming in and want to be states to vote on these things to vote on the issue of slavery, the doctrine of popular sovereignty and you know kind of a similar thing is happening now. I mean this debate about you know do you side with the Lincoln sort of argument on marriage equality and talk about it being who we are as a nation our ideas of freedom of equality or do you think oh this should be left up to the states to decide whether it’s a valid principle or not, popular sovereignty.