CNN's Cuomo Mocks Tucker Carlson's 'Pissed Puppy Dog Puss,' Calls Trump's Signature Phrase a 'Dog Whistle'

Ryan Foley | October 13, 2018
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During Friday's edition of Cuomo Prime Time, host Chris Cuomo went on a rant against President Trump and Fox News hosts during his closing argument. Cuomo pointed out "the irony" that "Trump, the guy who has done more to cheapen our discourse and lower the bar for acceptable behavior than any major player in the game at the moment, says his mission is actually to save the right from the mob on the left, which is responding to the animus that he engendered." He also took some shots at Fox News hosts as he played clips of them warning about the increasing radicalism of the American left; prefacing a clip of Sean Hannity by mentioning his "righteous indignation" and prefacing a clip of Laura Ingraham by talking about her "curled lip of disgust." He didn't actually play a clip of Tucker Carlson, saying "he (Tucker) doesn't have to say anything. He's just got that pissed puppy dog puss that he has on his face." Cuomo went on to accuse the Fox News hosts of "finding common enemies with their base, encouraging the animosity, using the word 'unhinged' a lot." Cuomo made sure to label President Trump's signature phrase "Make America Great Again" as a "dog whistle to a time of less equality and cultural inclusion" and tried to paint the President as a racist, accusing him of "demonizing blacks who protest" and giving the impression that "illegal immigrants are here to get you."