CNN's Bolduan Hounds GOP Rep. to Support Obama's Request For Immigration Funding

Matthew Balan | July 8, 2014
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

On the 8 July 2014 edition of New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan all but lobbied Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine to support President Obama's multi-billion dollar request to deal with the ongoing illegal immigration crisis: "There's an immediate crisis on the southwest border. The President is going to ask for $2 billion....He says it's emergency funds to help stem...the flow of immigrants coming in. Can you support giving the President these emergency funds?"

Bolduan especially went after the Republican congressman after he slammed the Obama administration's draconian press restrictions for a planned media day at an immigration facility:

REP. JIM BRIDENSTINE, (R) OKLAHOMA: ...[T]hey [the Obama administration] said the media can come. It will be a 40-minute tour, but you can't ask questions. You can't talk to the staff. You can't talk to the medical doctors. You can't talk to the children. If – if you would like to take pictures, you can't do that, but we'll send pictures to you. This is the kind of media that they had in the former Soviet Union. This is not the kind of unfettered access that we expect in the United States, especially if the President is going to ask us for $2 billion.