CNNers Gush Over 'Masterful,' 'Iconic' Michelle Obama Speech

bradwilmouth | August 18, 2020
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It was absolutely masterful, and keep in mind, I've covered a million of these conventions -- well, I've participated in nine of them and written hundreds of speeches for these conventions. You have an audience in that hall -- you have 17,000 people screaming and cheering your name and lifting you, giving you that emotion. Michelle Obama did that entire speech alone in a room to a camera. It was the most brilliant, I think, political performance to camera that we've seen since Ronald Reagan. And she's not even a politician. Four years ago, I said this, and I got in trouble with the former President, but Barack Obama is one of the greatest orators in America, and he's only the second best speaker in his own house. She's phenomenal.

She didn't pull any punches, M.J. I mean, she just, she went there.