CNN Touts Obama's 'Very Moving' Religious Liberty Speech; Omits ObamaCare Mandate Dispute

Matthew Balan | February 7, 2014
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The 7 February 2014 edition of CNN Newsroom spotlighted how President Obama "called for promoting religious freedom – quote, 'a key part of U.S. foreign policy," at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, but glossed over his administration's controversial birth control/abortifacient mandate under ObamaCare, which is being challenged in an ongoing Supreme Court case. The cable network still stood out, however, as none of the Big Three networks aired reports on Obama's speech.

John King zeroed in on the President's "very moving tribute to the Americans held in prison in North Korea and in Iran because of their faith-based beliefs." Instead of mentioning the HHS mandate, anchor Carol Costello played up the Democrat's encounter with a conservative politician as a glimmer of hope for bipartisanship:

CAROL COSTELLO: Well, it was kind of nice to see the co-chair of this event was Congressman Louis Gohmert – Tea Party guy, right? He accused the President of stirring up racial tension not long ago, but he stood up and shook the President's hands – and, I don't know, maybe that's a sign of good things to come?