CBS Wonders What to Do If Dem Voting Power Grab is Doomed?

Scott Whitlock | June 21, 2021
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Monday marked the 21st day of June, a month that Joe Biden hoped would see the passage of his extreme voting rights power grab, as well as a huge infrastructure bill. So far, neither has happened and CBS This Morning journalists began to fret about what to do next. In fact, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki seemed to indicate that the so-called “For the People” act was doomed. Co-host Anthony Mason asked Psaki if the White House had an alternative strategy: “Jen, as Kris Van Cleave mentioned, a vote is expected as early as Tuesday on sweeping voting rights reform. That bill is looking to come up short of the 60 votes it needs. If it does fail, what is the President's next move on this?” Psaki seemed to give away the game, conceding, “And yes, I wouldn't say we expect there to be ten magical votes to appear from the Republicans in the Senate. They've been pretty clear that they don't want to make it easier to vote. This is a first step. We'll see where it goes.”