CBS Welcomes New ‘Contributor’ Jeff Flake, Prompts Him on 2020 Run

Scott Whitlock | January 30, 2019
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[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS This Morning welcomed a new “CBS News contributor” to the network on Tuesday. Is this person there to provide partisan balance? Not really. He’s Jeff Flake. Co-host John Dickerson introduced the former Senator by prompting him on a presidential run: “Before we start, I want to find out if you want anybody to call you president. You thought about running in 2020? Are you going to run?” After getting a “no” on that, Dickerson tried again, longing for some sort of hint from the moderate-sounding Republican: “Did you look into being a candidate to run against the president? What did you learn from the investigation that somebody else who might run would have to consider?”