CBS Trumpets 'Historic', 'Unprecedented' Move to Let Illegal Immigrant Practice Law

Matthew Balan | January 3, 2014
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

The 3 January 2014 edition of CBS This Morning hyped the California Supreme Court's decision to allow the Golden State to issue law license to illegal immigrants. Substitute anchor Anthony Mason touted the "historic ruling that could give millions of undocumented workers new freedom." Norah O'Donnell trumpeted how "supporters of undocumented immigrants are praising an unprecedented ruling."

O'Donnell later underlined "the decision that new doors for millions." John Blackstone featured two soundbites from the new lawyer, whose parents "brought him here illegally from Mexico when he was 17 months old," but none from opponents of the ruling.